Stan Kaplun Askes: Is A Phoebe More Of A Swimbait Or A Spoon?

Hey guys, checking in from the SAC. I had the opportunity to fish a river in Northern California for a couple days and I was fortunate enough to catch a beautiful 10lb California Salmon. Bait of choice was a Phoebe spoon, on a Shimano Compre spinning rod, Shimano Sienna 1000 reel, and 4lb Maxima line.  If you look at the design of this lure it creates the look of a real baitfish. As far back as you can remember into swimbaits history, you'll find that at the beginning of it all, Phoebe was there but just on a smaller sized frame. Would this be in the category of a swimbait or spoon if asked?  Because of it's action though and presentation you can put into this lure, it's versatile and fishable in different types of bodies of water, regardless of whether they are shallow or deep. I was also able to catch a handful juvenile wild trout with awesome color on them! Stay tuned for more fishing reports soon. -Stan Kaplun-

Net Man and Photo Credit: Carlos Bejar
Guide Credit: Michael Tran