Flashback Friday: The Bass-Catching Formula, F + L = P

Use the pros’ equation to catch bass. Here’s how:

Webster’s New World Dictionary defines the word “presentation” as “Something that is presented. A performance, as of a play.” True, but that is not the definition according to the bass angler’s slang vocabulary. “Presentation” is the third leg of the bass-catching formula: F + L = P. As a rule, to catch the black bass consistently, the bass angler needs to understand the fish (F), be able to locate (L) their quarry, and use a presentation (P) that will get them a strike.

It all sounds like something your high school algebra teacher would say, don’t mistake the wise words of all-time bassin’ great Al Lindner for a math lesson. As he explained, “F stands for ‘fish’ and your understanding of the bass’s basic nature and needs. L, for ‘location,’ knowing where your fish should be, considering its likely movement habits under existing conditions. Is so, then you’re better able to choose the best approach to catching a bass, presentation, the P in the equation for bassin’ success.

Based in Minnesota, Lindner fished far and wide, joining B.A.S.S. Tournament Trail in 1974 and showing the mostly good ol’ Southern boys how Yankee ways worked down south, winning the Tennessee Invitational at Watts Bar Lake and the Virginia Invitational at Lake Gaston in 1977.

Al Lindner explains, “There’s no magic lure, but rather the correct bait, presented in the right way, at the right time, in the right place.”

Al Lindner Unplugged.jpg

This is an authorized excerpt from The B.A.S.S. Story Unplugged by Bob Cobb. Available at Xlibris 1-888-795-4274 www.Xlibris.com  Orders@Xlibris.com