Siemantel and Tuttle Take 3rd Back-2-Back-2-Back Wins with National Bass West
Siemantel and Tuttle For Their 3rd Win
Want to start off by saying thank you to National Bass West for a great tournament on a windy January day at Lake Pyramid.
What a crazy week as our prefish was super hard. and rain into Murphy’s Law with boat trouble. With the rumors that the winds could hit 25+mph gusts we made sure our MotorGuide Tour Pro was working its best for the weekend.
Our game plan for tournament day start at a place that I did a recent video of fishing the new 2.5” FishLab Flutter Nymph. We had 1 spot with the chance of catching a few nice fish and that was only if we got lucky with a good boat draw. Well that didn't happen and we again were the last boat out with a horrible boat draw. Tim and I watched boat after boat line up at the only place we felt we could catch a limit quick. HA ha, that didn’t happen! This is just part of the game as the luck of the draw is key on any body of water, but you take the good with the bad and you play smart and hard to do your best.
As Tim and I watch boat after boat go to the best spots we had, I literally looked at Tim and said let's just drive the lake and see what’s open to fish. 1 hour later we had 5 nice bass in the boat on a couple spots we did not event pre fish on. We looked at each other and said lets good look at where most of the field went. We again got lucky and in time was able to get around a few places we knew there were some bass but boat pressure on this lake is no joke and if someone doesn't know how to do boat control, you can kill the bite fast. We were able to cull about 3 limits of bass during the 8 hour fishing day.
13.09 Limit
Big Shout Out To Jerry and Keith With Their 2nd Place
Side Note: Be careful handing out baits that work to your competition, LOL this one almost came back to haunt us.
This is a great example of not getting so stuck in your ways that when things don’t go well and anglers are already on spots you feel are the key places, you can adjust to a new path and make your outlook change for the better.
Tim and Bill with their 3rd First Place Finish