This weekend got revved up on social media when videos began surfacing from angry anglers in Cleveland, Ohio after tournament director Jason Fischer of the Lake Erie Walleye Tour (LEWT) slices open the fish of the supposed winning duo of Jake Runyan and Chase Cominsky to find lead weights had been stuffed down their throats. In fact, when it was all said and done, Fischer found 8 pounds of lead weights, other walleye fillets and pliers inside of the fish that gave the team a weight that easily won the tournament.

After he cut the first weights out of the first fish, Fischer DQed them on the spot with a scream that ignited the crowd of very angry anglers, and throwing his fist into the air with a “You’re out of here!” like a Major League Baseball umpire.

You can watch the video of it all happen here. Warning there is quite a bit of cursing in this video. If you’re offended by foul language, you might want to turn the volume off. The police were called and it was probably lucky for the alleged cheaters that they were as a lot of these anglers were contemplating how much money has been fraudulently taken from them over the last few years.

Continue reading at Wired2Fish.com.

Cheating Mike Hart acted alone in rigging bass tournaments


AUG. 23, 2010 1:28 PM PT


The cheating incident at the recent U.S. Open involving Southern California pro bass fisherman Mike Hart was the blackest of black eyes for competitive bass fishing.

It was done by an angler who has won, by most reports, an estimated $200,000 in tournaments, plus bass boats and other loot.

At the time, Hart was busted alone, and tournament officials checked to see if any of his non-boaters, or AAA anglers who fished with him, were involved in cheating with Hart. His co-anglers, or non-boaters, were cleared of any wrongdoing at the U.S. Open. Hart was caught stuffing sinkers down the throats of the bass he caught, using a sophisticated method of tying them to fishing line and pushing them down just far enough so they would have been detected if filleted.

But even though Hart was busted, tournament officials wondered if others were involved with the cheating Hart.

WON BASS announced today that one of Hart’s fishing buddies and partners, Bill Siemantel, has been cleared of any cheating with Hart.

Here’s the WON BASS statement from Harvey Naslund, director of WON BASS:

Much has been discussed in recent weeks regarding the disqualification of one of the Pro anglers at the WON BASS U.S. OPEN. The angler, Mike Hart of California turned in his tournament catch each day loaded with lead sinkers. When confronted with the evidence, Hart admitted his guilt and as a result has been banned from any future WON BASS activities. No other action will be pursued by WON BASS, as this fisherman is paying the highest price anyone could ever pay for such a deed. On one hand it was a day of infamy for organized bass fishing in America, but, on the other hand, it was a major victory for all who have long cared for, and taken steps to protect the integrity of the bass fishing tournament sports. .

The big question that initially was on everyone’s mind; “did Mike Hart act alone in this episode at the U.S. Open?” Based upon follow-up investigation by the WON BASS staff, there is no doubt that this man acted alone, without any complicity or knowledge of such activities by his three AAA division partners.

However, the unfortunate saga has not ended there. During the weeks to follow many opinions expressed, charges insinuated, and unfair judgments made regarding Mike Hart’s partners with whom he fished with in the various Southern California teams programs during recent years. The big question;

“could Hart also have carried out such activities in these events without his team partners knowing about it”. He certainly could have- but doubtful. . However, whether such mis-deeds were applied during these events may never be known. So any opinions expressed casting a shadow on the reputation of such partners, at this point , in my opinion is unfair and unwarranted. And in one case, it is no longer an issue.

Bill Siemantel of Castaic, California, a veteran of 21 years on the Los Angeles City Fire Department, accomplished bass pro (an inductee to the “Fresh Water Hall of Fame” in 2009) was a long time partner of Mike Hart. He immediately stepped forward and requested that he be allowed to take a polygraph test to set the record straight and clear his name and earned reputation as a top tournament fisherman. WON BASS then set up such a test with one of the leading certified, licensed polygraph experts in the nation. On Saturday, July 14, 2010, Bill Siemantel underwent such test. He was grilled about specific tournaments, winnings and procedures. The polygraph expert had been provided with Bill Siemantel’s tournament history (winnings, specific events, former partners) along with suggested questions submitted by WON BASS (this at the testers’ request). Bill Siemantel, in the fashion of a true sportsman, dedicated family man and tournament competitor came thru with flying colors. Said the polygraph expert in his report; “there is no doubt that this man is without any complicity whatsoever in the cheating issue”. The word of Siemantel’s polygraph results spread rapidly among the circle of fishermen around the country who have been watching this story rather closely. Said Ray Scott (Founder of B.A.S.S); “ WON BASS has handled this matter very professionally, and this guy Bill Siemantel has proved that the polygraph tests can and should used by all bass organizations to protect the innocent and in some cases provide cause for suspension/disqualification”.

WON BASS has offered others this opportunity to clear their name, however Bill Siemantel is the only one who has stepped forward to submit at this point.

Harvey Naslund, Director

