BBZ Shout Out Sunday: Dale Van Staden Makes It Happen In South Africa

Hi Bill Wow, what an amazing surprise hearing from an idol like yourself!! I was introduced to the BBZ-1 Rat when my fiancé got me a voucher for Christmas last year, in my opinion the best present a man can receive and exactly why I am planning on marrying this clever woman!! 

On the second of January at 05:30 am we arrived at Driekoppies dam situated on the border of South Africa and Swaziland. This dam is notorious for big fish hiding in an abundance of old submerged trees and structures. After launching we headed straight for these protruding trees in the hopes of landing a monster, the first half an hour we only managed to get a smallie and we decided to go to the dam wall. It was my second cast with the "Rat", it landed next to a submerged concrete fence. I haven't even walked the dog for a meter when the Rat disappeared into a huge mouth, you'll see my fist fits into the Bass's mouth. 

The second Big Fish was caught a meter or so off the dam wall embankment, it also took the Rat with extreme virtuosity, both bass was extremely well hooked and with all the head shaking and jumping had no chance of shaking the Rat. I am truly a believer of your product after this experience, and recommend it to one and all I come across. Its not every day a fisherman gets to land two such beautiful fish, but your product sure made it possible!! I watched all your videos on fishing the BBZ - 1 Rat prior to our trip and your tips was spot on!! Thank you for your interest in my story. I would love to see the Rat 40 and Rat 30 on South African shelves, I'll then return the favor and buy the misses one that's lighter to cast, maybe the Rat 30 as she is brand new in this wonderful sport!!!